The Best of English Gardening on Dazzling Display.
The Royal Horticultural Society's flagship gardens are one of the most popular attractions in Britain. A million people a year visit the 240-acre gardens at Wisley on the A3 just south of the M25, founded in 1878 as an experimental garden to help horticulturalists successfully grow difficult plants. That work continues in trial fields and laboratory. The amazing diversity of the garden, though, is what awes, with alpine, desert and tropical glasshouses; rock, vegetable and wild gardens; model gardens to inspire homeowners, arboretum and rose garden. Get questions answered at the plant information center.

Dana Huntley

Dana Huntley

Several locations for food and refreshment and many places to sit, rest and reflect make Wisley a comfortable and deserving place to spend a good part of a day. Even then, seeing everything is an unmeetable challenge. Garden lovers return again and again. - Dana Huntley

Open daily throughout the year, Wisley is a delight to visit in any season. Depicted here last Easter Day, however, perhaps the new growth of spring finds all gardens at their most inspiring. - Dana Huntley

Dana Huntley

Dana Huntley

Dana Huntley

Dana Huntley
“The kiss of the sun for pardon,/ The song of the birds for mirth,/ One is nearer God's heart in a garden/Then anywhere else on earth.” — Dorothy Frances Gurney
Dana Huntley
Dana Huntley
Dana Huntley
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Dana Huntley

Dana Huntley

Dana Huntley