Queen Elizabeth II.Iain Cameron / Flickr / CC
Queen Elizabeth II was often thought of as a stern, serious figure, who was known for her stiff upper lip. We didn't get to see her fun side as much as we would have liked, but according to reports, it was definitely there.
Editor's note: Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's longest-serving monarch passed away on Sept 8, 2022, aged 96. Now, BHT takes a look back at some of the most popular stories which arose during her 70-year reign.
A few years ago reports emerged from various different sources that detail how Queen Elizabeth always had an amazing sense of humor, and even enjoys stirring the pot a little bit!
This will come as a surprise to many who associated the Queen with a more reserved and quiet personality type.
Where did it all begin?
It has been reported that from a young age, Queen Elizabeth enjoyed acting and spent years honing her skills when it came to impressions. As well as this, she and her sister Margaret enjoyed a bit of mischief as young Royals.
Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret would spend long summers in Balmoral, where they were forced to make their own fun and adventures. Perhaps this is where Queen Elizabeth developed her more playful side.

Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret
What about the Queen's impersonations?
Michael Noakes, an artist who was tasked with painting the Queen in the past, shed some light on her sense of humor and her ability to mimic accents. He said ‘She was peering out of the window and keeping up a running commentary of people’s reactions to seeing her standing there — “ ‘Gee Maud (in an American accent) it can’t be’ . . . oh no, he’s decided it can’t be, he’s moved on now’ and that sort of thing, and “Ooh, a car has just been hit by a taxi, I think there’s going to be a fight now”. She is very funny.’
This is in line with several other reports from those close to the Royal family that observed the Queen's ability to use humor as a means of charming guests and dignitaries.
Margaret Thatcher
What the Queen was best known for when it came to impersonations, however, was her alleged ability to mimic the late Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
According to reports, there was a huge amount of tension between the two women, who would regularly butt heads over various different issues relevant to the state of the UK.
While Thatcher of course had respect for the Queen, many Royalists have noted that the same cannot be said for her Majesty. A book called 'The Queen and Mrs. Thatcher: An inconvenient Relationship' detailed how the Queen would refer to Thatcher as 'that woman' and had very little time for her.
To top it all off, the Queen apparently developed a Thatcher impression, which would leave members of the Royal Family in stitches laughing. Her version of Thatcher's stern accent had legendary status among those in the know at Buckingham Palace.

Queen Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher
* Originally published in July 2019. Updated in 2022.