How closely do you read BRITISH HERITAGE? For a chance to win six free issues, correctly answer these six questions, based on the articles in this issue. One winner will be randomly selected from among all correct entries.
1. Arthur Wright w a s dismayed by:
a. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s gullibility
b. the English weather
c. the cost of restoring Leeds Castle
d. Halley’s comet
2. Daniel Gooch was perplexed by:
a. the Cottingley fairies
b. Brunei’s confidence in his atmospheric railway
c. the Halley’s Comet scare of 1910
d. the Marquis of Bute
3. Janice Carey was delighted by:
a. Lady Bute’s bedchamber
b. Edward Elgar
c. the fantasy village of Portmeirion
d. her granddaughter’s chatter
4. Willie Leadford was enraged by:
a. the failure of the South Devon Railway
b. the unfaithfulness of Nellie Stuart
c. the comet pill scam
d. steam locomotives
5. Sir Richard Woolley was humbled by:
a. Frances Wright
b. a satellite
c. Churchill
d. the Ministry of Works
6. Lord Badlesmere was beheaded by:
a. Henry VII
b. Henry VIII
c. Edward I
d. Edward II
HOW TO ENTER: Photocopy this page or cut out this box and circle the letters corresponding to your answers, or write the question numbers and the letters of your answers on a separate piece of paper along with your name, address, and daytime phone number. Post your entry to: May Insider, British Heritage, 6405 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112. The answers will appear in the July 2004 issue, along with the name of,the winner.
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