How closely do you read BRITISH HERITAGE? For a chance to win six free issues, correctly answer these six questions, based on the articles in this issue. One winner will be randomly selected from among all correct entries.
1. When in Salisbury, one might stop at:
a. the Michael Snell Tea Rooms.
b. the Stained Glass Museum.
c. the Cock and Bull pub.
d. the Anthony Drew Gallery.
2. Prince Egfrid grew frustrated with:
a. the conditions placed on his marriage to Etheldreda.
b. the taste of eels.
c. Norman cruelty.
d. the bells of Ely Cathedral.
3. The Seven Sisters:
a. drowned off Beachy Head.
b. is the name of a pub in Eastbourne.
c. sought sanctuary in Ely Cathedral.
d. is a chalk formation along the South Downs Way.
4. Thomas Blount:
a. fought the Normans from his refuge at Ely.
b. informed Robert Dudley of his wife’s death.
c. accompanied Daniel Defoe on his visit to Penzance.
d. runs a fish-and-chips shop in Pyecombe.
5. Margaret Ogilvy was:
a. Amy Robsart’s servant.
b. slashed by Rhynwick Williams.
c. J.M. Barrie’s mother.
d. a Scottish craftswoman.
6. John Julius Angerstein is remembered for:
a. killing Amy Robsart.
b. capturing Spring Heeled Jack.
c. offering a reward for the capture of the London Monster.
d. cutting women’s skirts.
HOW TO ENTER: Photocopy this page or cut out this box and circle the letters corresponding to your answers, or write the question numbers and the letters of your answers on a separate piece of pap(r along with your name, address, and daytime phone number. Post your entry to: March Insider, British Heritage, 6405 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112. The answers will appear in the May 2004 issue, along with the name of the winner.
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