How closely d o you read BRITISH HERITAGE? For a chance t o win six free issues, correctly answer these six questions, based on the articles in this issue. One winner will be randomly selected from among all correct entries.
1. Harold Godwinson may be buried at:
a. St. Stephen’s Church.
b. Bayeux Cathdral.
c. Bosham Church.
d. Waltham Abbey.
2. Harold Hardrada:
a. won the Battle of Gate Fulford.
b. betrayed Godwinson’s brother.
c. rescued Duke William at Mont Saint Michel.
d. married Tostig.
3. King Canute married:
a. Edward the Confessor’s sister.
b. King Ethelred’s widow.
c. The Earl of Northumbria’s daughter.
d. Rasyphus and Ravennus.
4. Percy Hobart:
a. was enraged by General Montgomery’s ego.
b. led the assault on Sword Beach.
c. designed the Overlord Tapestry.
d. designed specialized tanks for the D-Day assault.
5. During the Normandy Campaign, “PLUTO” was an acronym for:
a. please lead us toward Omaha.
b. pipeline under the ocean.
c. paratroopers lift up their own.
d. prisoners line up together outside.
6. Bob Slaughter:
a. was wounded on Gold Beach.
b. hated Eisenhower.
c. got seasick on D-Day.
d. served in the British 8th Army.
HOW TO ENTER: Photocopy this page or cut out this box and circle t h e letters corresponding to your answers, or write the question numbers and the letters of your answers on a separate piece of paper along w i t h your name, address, and daytime phone number. Post your entry to: July Insider, British Heritage, 6405 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112. The answers will appear in the September 2004 issue, along with the name of the winner.
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