How closely do you read BRITISH HERITAGE? Win six free issues by correctly answering these four questions, based on the articles in this issue.
1. Ancient Celts believed that the souls of the virtuous spend eternity:
a. listening to bagpipes.
b. enjoying the tranquility of the Western Isles.
c. savouring the delights of Scottish cuisine.
d. being served by their defeated enemies.
2. Plum and Willa are:
a. varieties of Wensleydale Cheese.
b. tributaries of the River Avon.
c. characters in a classic children’s Christmas fable.
d. the names of Lord and Lady Macdonald’s dogs.
3. In 13th-century England, dogs were sometimes used to:
a. turn spits.
b. guard border castles.
c. retrieve arrows that had missed their mark.
d. carry messages.
4. Uncle Lubin:
a. Is the main character in a Heath Robinson story.
b. Is the hero of a traditional Christmas pantomime.
c. Died in the crash of the R101 airship.
d. Serves breakfasts at Kinloch Lodge.
5. Which of the following cheeses is preferred by Wallace and Gromit:
a. Cheddar.
b. Stilton.
c. Wensleydale.
d. Red Leicester.
6. Christopher Thompson:
a. was the British Air Minister who died in the R101 crash.
b. was an 18th-century chief of Clan Donald.
c. illustrated classic children’S stories.
d. commissioned Handel to write the music to Messiah.
HOW TO ENTER: Photocopy this page or cut out this box and circle the letters corresponding to your answers, or write the question numbers and the letters of your answers on a separate piece of paper along with your name, address, and daytime phone number. Post your entry to: December Insider, British Heritage, 6405 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112. The answers will appear in the January 2004 issue, along with the names of the winners.
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